MacAdam / MacAdam Database
This site seems to have either changed its URL or is no longer on line.
Virtual McAdams Family Reunion
This information is on the following link.
John and Marth McAdams Texas
This site seems to be no longer available.
Genforum McAdams Listing
Please follow the link below.
Hiram A. McAdams Family
Follow the link below. This site was working when we last checked on 10/05/14.
Samuel & Eliz McAdam Ontario
See the link below. this site is being reconstructed as of 09/05/14 when we last checked.
Independant Publications
A History of the Thomas McCadam (McAdams) Family of South Carolina
A History of the Thomas McCadam (McAdams) Family of South Carolina by William H. McAdams - 320 pages, hard bound cover. From arrival on the Hills borough from Ireland in 1767. Price $35.00, order from W.H. McAdam 1428 Pinnacle View Drive NE, Albuquerque, NM 87112-6616 email - wmmca at, tel:505/299-0608.
The McAdams
The McAdams - based on a true story by Jane McAdams Taylor from historical letters and documents from the 1700's. This family can trace their McAdams line from Andrew McAdam who came to America back to the first know McAdams of Scotland. Reports of heirlooms that were passed down for over 200 years. The novel on CD is $39.95 order from: McAdams, PO Box 740, Whittier, NC 28789.
We are not sure if these are still available.